
Thursday, September 17, 2015

#TBT : My Story

Throwing it back to 17 years old on the farm

I guess you can say I'm kind of an old soul, outdoorsy type of girl. A perfect day is one spent vintage shopping for that one of a kind find or hiking a mountain for the breathtaking view. I collect old vinyls, because there is nothing like the rich real sound of an old record spinning. I love vintage dresses, suede fringe vests, and old architectural pieces! Fresh air and sunshine away for the city, reminds me of my childhood growing up on a buffalo farm. There I could go fishing, ride my bike, or climb the deer stand and watch the wildlife. If I wasn't out on the farm, then I was on the court with my basketball. That is where I found my strength and built endurance.

Basketball and sports, in general, became my outlet.  I was always that quiet shy type of girl that grew up in an Italian family with two brothers. There was always a lot of chatter at home and at family gatherings, so I just always sat back and let everyone else talk while I listened. As I migrated to middle school, my quiet, shy type of demeanor became an easy target for bullies.

I've never really felt alone until those middle school years. I always had two brothers to stand up for me, so I was not really the "fighting back" type or pushy or aggressive. A lot of changes take place in middle school, and it's an awkward phase of life anyways. Once people find out they can get away with bullying you, it tends to escalate. That is what happened to me and that's when the bullying against me went cyber. 
Middle School Victoria with no makeup and natural curly hair

Here's my story...
Circa 2007

Some stories will never be heard until it's too late to make a difference. That is why I'm stepping out to tell mine. My middle school years almost destroyed me. The emotional wounds inflicted by my peers went unseen as I tried to put up a front. The pain was not something you could put a bandaid on. The name calling, teasing, taunting, whispering, lies, pushing, tripping and elbowing reached a limit when the bullying abusers ​went Cyber.

I always had big dreams. 

I was 14 and in the 8th grade and I had started to get into sports as a self-esteem builder. I was finally fitting in as part of the team and  having fun!  Sports was an outlet for me to chanel the anger I had felt toward the "Bully Group".  Also, at that time in my life,  MySpace was the "social media of the day."  Every "cool" kid had one so I decided I would too. The "Bully Group" found out and decided to take their targeting of me to a new level... Cyber.  They made a MySpace page pretending to be me! They used my name and took pictures of me off my real MySpace page and altered them. 

They altered the pictures and made photos such  as my face covered in blood in a shark's mouth,  my head on top of a bull's body with horns protruding... you get the point. To top it off, they wrote a hideous "about me" section with foul language disgusting obscenities and then proceeded to friend request all the people on my friend's list. I was oblivious to this. When I went to school the next day, the stares and finger pointing were at an all time high and as I approached my locker it was covered with those photos and foul language. Everyone was laughing. One of my friends on the basketball team told me what had happened and I was devastated. When you are a young teen this seems like the end of the world.  It was was a very dark time for me as I struggled emotionally. Through the encouragement of my supportive family, the grace of God and sports,  I was able to survive. 

Being yourself, your true self, in a world that tells you, you have to act, look, and be a certain way is hard, but that did not and has not stopped me from being me.

Bullying continued throughout my middle and high schools years by the "cool" girls...the mean girls ....all because I refused to change and become like them.  

15 year old me
What I went through enabled me to empathize and help others who were and are going through the same thing. I've been able to speak to groups and one on one with hurting youth and teens. I  personally know their struggle and I also KNOW that problems do not have to define but can serve to REFINE you!

As Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. ~ Proverbs 27:17

Bullying is a global problem. It is colorless, ageless, and genderless. It affects health and self-esteem. With support systems, such as family, church groups,  friends, and activities, such as music or sports, you can better cope, just like I did.

My biggest support system, my number one fan, and the one who always motivates me to be better and stay true to me is my mom. I know I would not be where I am today without her. 

If you are a victim of bullying, whether it is cyber or physical, tell your family, teachers, or authorities immediately. Cyber Bulling is now considered a hate crime in numerous states, and perpetrators can receive jail time. Since then, some of the "mean girls" throughout middle and high school have apologized, and I am grateful for that!  

Always remember to respect your peers and respect yourself, no matter what anyone thinks or "says" about you or someone else! God made YOU and me for a special purpose.

As I am finishing up this blog and reflecting on my life between middle school and now, I realize that bullying never ends. Only when people's love of power is superseded by their power of love will the world change. 

Should you find yourself the target of someone's bitterness, jealousy, lies, judgment, or scrutiny....just remember that says more about them and their insecurities than it does about you. 

I've continually experienced this "hate" in everyday life, whether it be in school, work, or church. Bullying knows no limits. Even at the ripe age of 22,  the "haters" are there. Their hate serves to motivate me now.  I know who I am. My self worth is NOT defined by anyone else's opinions or insecurities. 

Small Minds can't comprehend big spirits. To be great you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood. 

Stay Strong!!!

With Love, 

V <3 

Comment or Share if this blog was helpful to you! 


Thursday, September 10, 2015

<Press Reset>

"Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" - Matthew 6:27

What do you think of when you first open your eyes in the morning? Be honest. Do you grab your phone or do you start thinking about wanting to go back to sleep,  or about  that wild day you have ahead at work, or the busy week facing you?  Do you start stressing about school, relationships, family, etc. first thing when you wake up? 

STOP. Press Reset. Wake up and Thank God for this day. Thank Him for the breath you breathe and the opportunities you have. Think Gratitude!

When you live a life filled with anxiety and worry, you wake up that way. Your life starts to become consumed with that. 

In your life, there isn't enough room for worry and faith. You must decide which one will live there. 

Which one will you choose? I say choose Faith

Why? Not once ounce of worry will change anything, but prayer and gratitude can change everything.

Realize you can't control external circumstances or others, but you can control your thoughts, behaviors, and actions. This is where you "Let Go and Let God"

So here is where we <Press Reset> ...

Give gratitude, meditation, and prayer a chance. It's like exercise - the more you do it, the stronger you grow.

Don't know where to start? Start now, wherever you are, take a deep breathe, exhale, and give thanks for all the blessings in your life. 

Need a suggestion as to what to meditate on? Meditate on God's Word.

Here are some quotes and verses to jump start your day:

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done." - Philippians 4:6
(Philippians 4 is a good chapter to read in the Bible. The Philippians book is a Prison Epistle or letter written by Paul while he waits to be released from prison. Even while in prison, Paul still continued to be filled with gratitude and prayer.)

If we prayed as much as we worried, we'd have a lot less to worry about. Give God your worries.

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but ultimately leads you no where. 

It doesn't matter what others are doing. It matters what YOU are doing. 

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. 

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

Gratitude and Blessings! 

With Love,

Comment and Share if you thought this message helped or inspired you today❤️

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rise and Shine❤️ Green Smoothie Time

Yes, I cannot deny, this morning when I woke up my first thoughts were pancakes, grits, and bacon!  That thought did not last for long! All I had to do was hit the kitchen, and remember that my body is like a temple and to treat it as such! (1 Corinthians 6:19) 

Today, I whipped up a "boss" smoothie! There is as much joy in creating it as there is in drinking it. The ingredients may seem random, but believe me they are not! 

Just check out the ingredients and benefits below: 

Ingredients and Benefits:

- 1 Banana chopped ~ benefits: helps overcome depression, protects against muscle cramps, high in fiber, potassium, helps stimulate the mind!
- 1 Pear sliced and diced~ benefits: anti-oxidants, anti-Inflammatory, and potentially anti-cancer phytonutrients
- 1 orange peeled ~ benefits: a healthy dose of vitamin C for immune support 
- 1 green apple sliced and diced~ benefits: considered the world's healthiest food, age defier, good source of fiber- decreases chance of colon cancer. We've all heard "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"!
- 1 Lemon Juice~ benefits: vitamin C and detox
- handful of spinach~ benefits: protects the body from free radicals, keeps your brain young and agile, prevents eye disease
-1 cup of organic Greek yogurt (vanilla) ~ benefits : probiotic, good for bone health, good for the lactose intolerant (such as myself) 
- 1 tablespoon of pure clover honey~ benefits: anti-bacterial, anti-oxtidant, reduces ulcers, regulates blood sugar, helps promote beautiful skin. 
- 1 tablespoon of chia seeds~ benefits: high in quality protein and fiber, omega-3 acids, improves excercise performance as much as a sports drink!

These ingredients were blended by my favorite ....Nutri Bullet❤️ This has been one of my best purchases for 2015!! 

Not saying you can't have pancakes once in a while, but I chose to chop, blend, and rejuvenate this morning!


With Love, 


Quote of the day: Starting today, I need to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

#TeammateTuesdayTips : Skin Care


Hello Beauties!

My teammates have a lot of great beauty tips that I would like to share with everyone! This is the first of #TeammateTuesdayTips!

 Here's today's Skin Care Buzz......

"My favorite skin care product is simply "coconut oil". I use it as a cleanser, makeup remover, and a moisturizer!" - Nilou

"My skincare obsession right now is a sugar lip polish by Fresh. It's an exfoliating treatment that leaves your lips delightfully soft and perfect (great for winter). It's great to keep your lips smooth, so that when you apply lipsticks you do not get that annoying cracked look. I get mine from Sephora for $20!" -  Emma

These ladies both have flawless, beautiful skin! I can't wait to try out their tips.

Comment below with what beauty questions you want answered! <3

With Love,


Quote of the Day: Be The Best Version of You!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Green and Clean!

Happy Smoothie Saturday!❤️

What better way to jump start the weekend than with a refreshing, anti-oxidant filled green power smoothie!

I made it a New Year's Resolution to have a power smoothie at least once a day. I don't always get to make them from scratch, but when I do they are off the chain! 

My method of madness may seem random, but trust me it's not!

Here is my recipe for today's simply satisfying smoothie:

- 1 Green Apple sliced and diced (I keep the skin on)
- 1 Pear sliced and diced
- 1 Orange (peeled and sliced)
- 1 Banana sliced 
- 1 small handful of spinach 
- 1 Juice of fresh Lemon
- half cup of toasted coconut vanilla Greek yogurt 

Blend and blend to your heart's content as the smoothie becomes green (as shown in the picture above)!

Pour over ice and enjoy ❤️

With love,


Quote of the day: if it doesn't nourish you soul...let it go

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Picture Perfect ❤️

Hello Queens!

It's that season again....Pageant Season. A lot of you girls are getting your makeup routine together for whatever pageant system you are going to be entering. I want to let you in on one of Victoria's Secrets ;) 

The key to flawless foundation with an airbrushed look is found in the perfect setting powder. One of my favorites is Ben Nye Banana Powder, which is made in the USA! 

It is the final step after you apply your foundation. The key is proper application and allocation of the powder. As with other palettes, you need a good quality brush! My choice brush is MAC 150. 
Remember Queens... It's not always how you start...but how you finish! Finish Flawlessly❤️

With love,


Quote of the Day:Give a woman the right makeup and she can conquer the world!


Monday, January 26, 2015

Miss Universe "Finals"

Buenos Días Friends❤️

My first ever Miss Universe pageant was filled with excitement, glamour, and a lot of Latin Flavor. The lines were long and the lobby was packed! I met so many wonderful people from around the world. From Nicaragua to Nigeria, everyone was so friendly, and I had many photo ops with my newfound friends! 

So many were loving my wardrobe that was provided by Jill at Dazzles from Columbia, SC. The designer of my gown was Jovani. The color was reminiscent of the Miami Sunset and the bright colors of South Beach. Thank you so much Jill!❤️

The auditorium was filled to the brim. From my top 5 predictions, three of my picks made it to the top: Colombia, Jamaica, Ukraine! My favorites of the night were Jamaica and USA. Both were stunners in red hot gowns. They were my final two picks during finals! I'm obsessed over Nia's stunning Michael Costello gown. Nia truly lit up the room in evening gown! It was perfect! Kaci, Miss Jamaica, walk was poised and confident! She was a show stopper for sure! 

Behind-The-Scenes...which you may not have seen on TV...Miss Puerto Rico appeared to have fainted and fell to the floor. She was escorted off stage during commercial break. Also, Miss Russia was apparently escorted off stage due to her thumbs down gesture. I am not surprised at the boos following Miss Jamaica's 4th RU placement, as she appeared to be a front runner. Majority of the girls appeared to gather around Miss Jamaica after the cameras quit rolling post-crowning. But, as quite often happens, in the pageant world, there is always a surprise in the end! 

Congratulations to the new Miss Universe, Colombia, Paulina Vega. She is gorgeous, and the new crown complemented her very well. 

Let the pageant season begin!

With love,


Quote of the Day: To feel like a queen is to simply believe you are one.