
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Green and Clean!

Happy Smoothie Saturday!❤️

What better way to jump start the weekend than with a refreshing, anti-oxidant filled green power smoothie!

I made it a New Year's Resolution to have a power smoothie at least once a day. I don't always get to make them from scratch, but when I do they are off the chain! 

My method of madness may seem random, but trust me it's not!

Here is my recipe for today's simply satisfying smoothie:

- 1 Green Apple sliced and diced (I keep the skin on)
- 1 Pear sliced and diced
- 1 Orange (peeled and sliced)
- 1 Banana sliced 
- 1 small handful of spinach 
- 1 Juice of fresh Lemon
- half cup of toasted coconut vanilla Greek yogurt 

Blend and blend to your heart's content as the smoothie becomes green (as shown in the picture above)!

Pour over ice and enjoy ❤️

With love,


Quote of the day: if it doesn't nourish you soul...let it go


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