
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rise and Shine❤️ Green Smoothie Time

Yes, I cannot deny, this morning when I woke up my first thoughts were pancakes, grits, and bacon!  That thought did not last for long! All I had to do was hit the kitchen, and remember that my body is like a temple and to treat it as such! (1 Corinthians 6:19) 

Today, I whipped up a "boss" smoothie! There is as much joy in creating it as there is in drinking it. The ingredients may seem random, but believe me they are not! 

Just check out the ingredients and benefits below: 

Ingredients and Benefits:

- 1 Banana chopped ~ benefits: helps overcome depression, protects against muscle cramps, high in fiber, potassium, helps stimulate the mind!
- 1 Pear sliced and diced~ benefits: anti-oxidants, anti-Inflammatory, and potentially anti-cancer phytonutrients
- 1 orange peeled ~ benefits: a healthy dose of vitamin C for immune support 
- 1 green apple sliced and diced~ benefits: considered the world's healthiest food, age defier, good source of fiber- decreases chance of colon cancer. We've all heard "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"!
- 1 Lemon Juice~ benefits: vitamin C and detox
- handful of spinach~ benefits: protects the body from free radicals, keeps your brain young and agile, prevents eye disease
-1 cup of organic Greek yogurt (vanilla) ~ benefits : probiotic, good for bone health, good for the lactose intolerant (such as myself) 
- 1 tablespoon of pure clover honey~ benefits: anti-bacterial, anti-oxtidant, reduces ulcers, regulates blood sugar, helps promote beautiful skin. 
- 1 tablespoon of chia seeds~ benefits: high in quality protein and fiber, omega-3 acids, improves excercise performance as much as a sports drink!

These ingredients were blended by my favorite ....Nutri Bullet❤️ This has been one of my best purchases for 2015!! 

Not saying you can't have pancakes once in a while, but I chose to chop, blend, and rejuvenate this morning!


With Love, 


Quote of the day: Starting today, I need to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next! 


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